Do you use V-Ray for SketchUp and your render doesn’t look professional enough? Well, I have the perfect advice for you.

The reason why the render doesn’t look professional is that they don’t enjoy the process. Enjoying the process and render is needed so you can understand the software itself. V-Ray is just a render engine that creates materials and calculates the GI. So you need to put in details yourself. As a 3D Artist, you don’t see your render as a project but as a masterpiece, you pay a lot of attention to it.

In this industry, it isn’t just about pressing a button. It won’t happen the way you want it to, it isn’t as easy pressing a button and letting the video render do the work or finding the best render settings. You need to put in the effort or somebody else will get the job instead.

The days where you’re lazy are the days that matter the most. Either you lie to yourself and hold yourself back or be a champion.
The people in this industry are very dedicated, to stay in the game we should do the same. Good luck!!