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Updated: Jul 25, 2023

fear of losing client

As freelance visualizers in the architecture industry, we often face the challenge of accepting low-priced projects due to various factors such as the fear of losing clients and financial instability. Sebagai visualizer freelance di industri arsitektur, seringkali kita menghadapi tantangan menerima proyek dengan harga rendah karena berbagai faktor seperti ketakutan kehilangan klien dan ketidakstabilan keuangan.

The perception that acquiring clients is a difficult task, combined with increasing competition, adds pressure. However, with the right strategies, we can overcome these challenges and pave the way for long-term success in our freelance careers.

Persepsi bahwa mendapatkan klien adalah tugas yang sulit, ditambah dengan persaingan yang semakin ketat, menambah tekanan. Namun, dengan strategi yang tepat, kita dapat mengatasi tantangan ini dan membuka jalan menuju kesuksesan jangka panjang dalam karir freelance kita.

Follow some of the solutions below Ikuti beberapa solusi dibawah ini

shaking hands

  1. Initially, it's okay to work at low prices if necessary, but make sure it's not for all projects and limit the number of revisions. First, meet your living expenses for one month, and then you can charge slightly higher. Like a wheel, it will be difficult to turn at first, but it will become much easier later on. Di awal, it is ok kalau terpaksa harus bekerja dengan harga yang murah, tapi pastikan tidak untuk semua project dan batasi revisi nya. Penuhi dulu kebutuhan hidup untuk 1 bulan, setelah itu bisa charge lebih sedikit lebih mahal. Ibarat roda, diawal pasti berat mutar roda, tapi setelah akan jauh lebih ringan.

  2. Set boundaries. Just because the price is low doesn't mean we are cheap and can be pushed around with unlimited revisions. Also, establish a minimum price threshold. Once you reach that limit, let go of the client. Tentukan batasan, walau harga murah bukan berarti kita nya murahan yang bisa di tekan sampai revisinya tanpa batas. Pastikan juga kita batas bawah harga. Bila udah sampai batas nya, lepas aja klien nya.

  3. Develop negotiation skills so that you don't immediately lower your prices during bargaining. Punyai skill negosiasi supaya pada saat tawar menawar, harga ga langsung kamu turunkan.

  4. Be proactive in finding clients, whether it's through door-to-door approaches or making sure your acquaintances, especially fellow architecture or interior design students, know about your work. Agresiflah dalam mencari klien, bisa door to door dan pastikan kenalan kamu terutama sesama mahasiswa arsitek ataupun interior design tahu apa pekerjaan kamu.

  5. Pay attention to your competitors at the price range you set, and ensure that your quality is better than theirs so that potential clients can easily choose you. Perhatikan siapa kompetitor kamu di harga yang kamu patok, pastikan kualitas kamu lebih baik dari mereka supaya dengan mudahnya calon klien pilih kamu.

Of course, we must have good quality, and that quality can only be achieved if we have the necessary fundamentals. This includes accuracy, work ethic, being a team player, being able to read data correctly, and delivering high-quality work.

Tentu nya kita harus punya kualitas yang bagus, dan kualitas tersebut hanya bisa dicapai bila kita punya fundamental yang dibutuhkan. Baik dari segi keakuratan, work ethic, team player, bisa baca data dengan benar hingga kualitas kerjaan nya.

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